James C., Army Veteran

James C. is an Army veteran. Jim, his wife Anita and their daughter are disabled – all three. They have lived in the same manufactured home community for twelve years.

Because of recent cut-backs in disability payments from California the C. family has come under severe financial distress. Veterans Affordable Housing Project (VAHS) brought some relief to the C. family with a nice rent reduction at a time when space rentals are on the rise.

James C. and Wife, Anita (Click to enlarge)Jim C. and his family have applied for a disability grant which is being reviewed by the grant committee. In the meantime, Jim keeps looking for pursuing self-employment by buying and selling abandoned storage items. He is 64, not in great health and without a lot of marketable skills. He is needed at home to help his wife, Anita.

Anita C. is diabetic with severe heart problems and has high blood pressure. She is wheel chair confined and on 24-hour oxygen. Jim and their daughter are medically disabled. With all three monthly checks combined they can pay the bills – thanks to the rent reduction.

Categories Testimonials | Tags: | Posted on September 3, 2011

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